My background

In my life, I have witnessed firsthand the detrimental effects of skewed sexual polarity in the household. To state it bluntly, when a mother assumes the role of a father and a father assumes the role of a mother, it becomes the number one recipe for disaster in the household, leading to long-term catastrophic mental consequences for the children. Sadly, this problem is very common, especially in Western households. The vast majority of children growing up in such an environment lack the mental fortitude and necessary mentors to challenge their negative beliefs.

In recent years, I have come to realize that an undefeated plague will continue wreaking havoc among families, our nation, and our world. The negative beliefs arising from such an environment are repeatedly reinforced until they are perceived as absolute truths that cannot be broken. Consequently, individuals living with these beliefs perpetuate the destructive cycle in their own families, passing the pain from one generation to the next.

Fortunately, with God's blessing, I am breaking this cycle in my own life and empowering other men to do the same in theirs. In a culture that relies on lies to provide temporary comfort, it is our duty as men to seek the truth and stand by it, regardless of the cost. By making the decision to not let my past define my future, a strength within me propelled me forward and liberated me from the preconceived notions about myself that I once believed were unchangeable.

When I witnessed men achieving incredible things and displaying remarkable strength and ingenuity, I began to believe that I could do the same, and even better. I stopped seeking permission and validation before pursuing my goals, and I ceased worrying about how my actions might offend others. At the same time, I opened my mind, became more compassionate and loving, and discovered the true meaning of love. As I followed my own path, women and resources naturally entered my life.

Excitement, passion, and joy replaced fear, anxiety, worry, and a poor self-image. Since making the decision to demand the most of myself, my life has been on an upward trajectory in all areas: spiritually, financially, intimately, physically, and mentally.

In a man's life, there are many things he must do, but the most important is to love. For me, I express love by teaching others what I have learned so they can start their journey towards becoming the men that God intended them to be. The main reason I am doing this is that we have an absolute obligation to ourselves and the world to fulfill our potential. Each man has a unique gift and calling that, if pursued, can leave this world a better place. It is my duty to teach as many men as possible how and why they must discover their own gifts.

There is strength in discipline and a willingness to bear the immense weight of responsibility on your shoulders. This path will not be easy, but nothing worth having is given for free.