How to go from being a man without purpose, direction or confidence, to a strong GODLY man who knows exactly who he is and what God has called him to do and isn’t afraid to start his journey.

June 18th, 2024 | 6-8 PM EST | VIRTUAL ON ZOOM


Hey brother, 

Let’s be real. Being a man in today’s modern world is difficult. 

If you go on Google right now and search the word “masculinity” you’ll immediately see hundreds of articles demonizing it, talking about how toxic it is, and warning about the “dangers” of men. With one quick look at our modern TV shows and movies, you’ll notice how men have become the weak, idiotic buffoons who are completely dependent on their wives (From the Simpsons to Modern Family).

So, where does this leave us as men?

For most of us - this leaves us constantly fighting against our human nature, like we have to hide and suppress our true strength, and our power.

This leaves us feeling lost, confused and lonely

Or maybe, you’re like me, and you grew up without any understanding of what healthy masculinity even looks like - so you went about living the typical path that you were told you were supposed to, that you were told would make you a “real man.”

So, you go to school without even knowing what you really want, 

get a degree in something you don’t care about, 

struggle to get a “decent” job that barely pays the bills, and leaves you more and more unfulfilled each day, 

And end up spending your whole life living up to someone else’s dream…

Then wonder why you feel like a shell of a person. 

In today’s day and age, the depictions of what it means to be a “man” that have shaped all of us from an early age, have failed us. 

Why is this?

The truth is, the pain we feel on a day-to-day basis

(that many of us numb, suppress and avoid with drugs, alcohol, procrastination, overworking, instant gratification, and shallow relationships)

Is due to knowing that, deep down,  we’re not being the man we were meant to be. 

This is exactly why, as men, we must come together and DEFINE what it means to be a man.

For ourselves. For our families (or future families). And for the world. The world needs us now more than ever. 

If you know you’re a man with above-average goals, who’s been stuck in the rut of average living for far too long, and you want to:

Live a life of purpose & fulfillment

Make a difference

Break free from the chains of uncertainty and self-doubt

Be unstoppable in your ability to face any challenge that life gives you

And become the example of masculinity that you always needed, so you can be a pillar for the women and people in your life…

Then I invite you to join me at…

A FREE 2-Hour Virtual workshop to learn the secret of how to unleash the power of your masculinity and The Man Within. Equip yourself with the knowledge needed to live as a man in the modern world. JUNE 18TH, 2024 | 6-8 PM EST | VIRTUAL ON ZOOM





You want to escape the unfulfilling cycle of meaninglessness that you’ve been living

You want to understand your masculine human nature and how to tap into its power

You want clarity and direction in your life and get on the path to reaching ultimate fulfillment

You’re sick of being a people pleaser and want to take ownership of your life

You’re ready to set yourself up for success and fulfillment

You’ve been putting off the work you know you need to do

You crave a deeper relationship with God


How to Embrace Your True Masculine Nature

How to Get out of the Cycle of Meaninglessness (& uncover your natural gifts)

The Difference Between a Man and Today’s Modern “Man”

Why Being a Man in Today’s Society Gives You a Huge Advantage

A Simple 2-Step Process for Unleashing The Man Within

Are You Ready to Unleash the Man Within?

Brother, the time for hesitation is over. 

The time of playing small, and cowering in the face of life’s challenges is over.

Join us, and together, let's ignite the fire within and unleash the man you were always meant to be.